Learning Resources
These Learning Resources present a global theme with a South African focus. Through these activities young people will gain an insight into aspects of the First World War at both global and national levels which continue to have relevance to the modern world.
The two education packs build on the Grade 8 CAPS requirements for the topic World War 1 (1914-1918), although they can be easily adapted for older or younger pupils. The materials explore a range of themes, including equality and diversity. Historically, different population groups and aspects of war have been ignored in the South African World War 1 narrative. The Learning Resources aim to show the breadth and diversity of the country’s involvement. If you need printed versions, please contact the museum.
This exhibition on South Africa’s involvement in World War One was created by KwaZulu-Natal Museum. It contains illustrations and concise explanations of the main themes.
If you want to find out more about the topic of internment, you can visit the website of the Internment Research Centre. This includes an exhibition, primary sources, an interactive map and much more.